Get Involved! » PTA


2022*2023 Elected PTA Members

Roxanne Harris
Vice President
Amanda Dimino
Chelsea Gonzales
Ashley Lyles


How to become a member?

See the flyer below for more information or fill out a registration form and return the form to school along with the $10.00.   

Cost of being a member: $10.00

What specifically does PTA support?

PTA assists with scholarships, field day, parent/teacher conferences, teacher appreciation, health room needs, and other needs within the school.

When does PTA meet?

PTA has 2 general meetings throughout the school year: in the fall to discuss upcoming events, and in the spring to nominate the PTA board members of the upcoming academic year.

What events does PTA Sponsor?

Breakfast with Buddies, Pastries with Pals, Glow Run

What Fundraisers does PTA sponsor?

McTeachers Nights, Fall Fundraiser, Spring Fundraiser and always looking for other ways to help support school needs

If you have any questions about the PTA please check us out on Facebook @connwestpta or on Twitter @ptaconn you can also email us @ [email protected]